
加拿大Haven海文學院心理諮商文憑,文學士,商學士,台灣資深廣播人, 現任大中華地區成長工作坊帶領老師、現任慈濟基金會大愛電視「殷瑗小聚」「音樂有愛」「心靈講座」節目製作及主持人、曾任崇德基督書院人文心理學講師。多年來研讀身心靈整合及助人工作課程與師資培訓課程,致力於整合心理學、佛學之理念,探索自我與他人關係整合,出版之著作「SARS舒眠冥想音樂」、「我夢見我買了一條船」、「上午夜琴聲的同學錄」、「山上的生活」、「做個值得被疼惜的女人」、重要心理叢書,加拿大海文學院『生命花園』、『活出熱情』譯者之一。

2007年8月19日 星期日

微笑問答 Connecting with Smiles

Dear Jock and Ben

May I ask you a very complex question?
When we talk about intimate relationship,
if both side of us disagree with each other, and
very insist on each side's own idea,
but we need a decision for thing's going on,

Some people will return to play a role,
and to choose the "best" or the "proper" decision.
Some people will submit themselves to the stronger side
and depress themselves.

Beside to share the true feelings to each other,
can we do more?
How do you deal with this trouble in your life, between Ben and you?
Then both side will feel more comfortable and be respected?

Loved Dodo.

Dear Dodo,

Nice to hear from you.
It is difficult to answer your question by email ... but I will try.

>Beside to share the true feelings to each other, can we do more?
>How you deal with this trouble in your life, between Ben and you?
>Then both side will feel more comfortable and be respected?

The key for Ben and me is that
we make our connection with each other
the most important element.
So, then we don't get into struggles
when we each have a difference of opinion,
or different wishes for what to do.

We always say,
"it doesn't matter what we do,
as long as we are together, loving each other."
So, we respect our different points of view,
and when we disagree,
we respect each other and don't fight each other.
As long as we are together,
we are happy,
even in middle of different points of view.

Love from us both, Jock(nBen)

